Our mission is to inspire and fund innovative teaching and authentic learning experiences that foster critical thinking, collaboration, and cultural understanding to advance equity and engagement for students in the Lincoln Public Schools.

Thank you Donors!

Concord Printing

Corey Flint Photography

Lincoln Commons

Nosy Crow

Twisted Tree Cafe


Joseph Warren-Soley Lodge (Masons)

The Linda Hammett Ory & Andrew Ory Charitable Trust

Hanscom Spouses CLub

Point 32 Health

Hanscom Federal Credit Union

Ogden Codman Trust

The Lincoln School Foundation (LSF)

LSF enables educators to reach beyond traditional techniques, prioritize creativity, and engage students in innovative ways. LSF funds these teacher initiated projects through grants, allocating more than $17,000 last year to support the educational development of students on both Lincoln and Hanscom Campuses. All of this due to community donations!

Spotlight on 2023-2024 Grants

Follow us on Instagram! @ lincoln_school_foundation_